Lesson #1: Focus on the input and the intention, detach yourself from the result
Lesson #2: You can’t always find joy and happiness but you can always find meaning and service
“When you feel like you’re a part of the solution, the problem affects you less. When you’re trying to heal and help others, you heal yourself in the process.” – Jay Shetty
There is a toxic positivity movement – everything is not always fine, solutions can require struggle
Lesson #3: Remind yourself of the gifts brought by terrible situations (like Covid and quarantine)
Lesson #4: We have to learn to celebrate people while they are alive
Never opt out of an opportunity to say you love or miss your closest relationships – you’ll never regret it
Always know where you stand with your loved ones
Don’t let milestones dictate your outflow of love – don’t reserve personal communication
Lesson #5: Look at how we are controlled by fear
Lesson #6: Digital friendships can go deeper than you think
Lesson #7: Anything can be done in 48 hours
Lesson #8: There’s never a better time to learn than when you’re not sure what’s going on
Lesson #9: When you don’t get what you want, you get more of what you need
Lesson #10: Solitude is as necessary as community
Lesson #11: Invest in energy first, expertise second
Lesson #12: The mind has to be used by you for what you want to believe